Stentorian terms and tones
Why you gotta shout so much
I am not far
I am here and there's not too much
Wax build up I do not think
Wax build up is worth addressing
This is unattractive they say
But and maybe you can
Transition your tone there
To one more silken and so more
Attractive to my ear bones
I still won't agree maybe
With all or some of what
You vomit from your brains
But at least my ears won't ring any more
And birth forth wax
So unattractive to stifle
That's what I'll call you now
And you don't disapprove
I can tell by the gleaming
In your eyes
You're all bark anyways
And a sap
I'll call you Tree instead
As you refuse my advice
Go then and preach on another stump
This one here
Is mine now I claim as pulpit my own
Let me now
Clear my own throat and voice
Become like that herald of Troy
But if you be like Hermes
I will decline any contest
Between us
By: Daniel Smallegange