Monday, February 17, 2025

Give Me Some of That Love

Come on and please

With permission, salutation

Gimme some of that love

Love you got all holed up inside

Ain't gonna beg now

Trying not to

But I want to

Got this need see

Need to see you

Touch you

Won't you listen like you used to?

I Remember it like...

I can taste it just like...

Old times

But then I realize

I bit my lip through an'

That's blood not love

Nothing to do with you

Oozing on my tongue

Reminiscent though

All I can think on though

Through this dirt and pain

Grime and strain

Memories of you

So, greetings and salutations then

With permissions please gimme some

Some of that love to hold

Some of what you got all

Holed up inside

Your heart entrance boarded so goddamn tight

Makes me do things

These whisperings


Ain't gonna beg though

Ripped apart for want of love

Want to taste it

Like the blood on my tongue

The love you hoard

It makes me do things


Don't scoff

Don't walk away

Come on and please

Give me some

By: Daniel Smallegange, 2025, all rights reserved.

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