Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Doctors Insist

 The doctors insist

Your eyes are the cure

They've written me a prescription

With this so inscribed

They've studied and analyzed the facts of the case

They say however

The cure might be worse than the disease

What's in your eyes might prove

Fatal or at least lead to

Unforseeable side effects and

Defects of the heart

Regardless they insist

The breakthrough is you

Kissing your waist might help also

This is unproven and

A theory of my own devising

Kissing your pretty waist

And biting your thighs

Is a hypothesis I would like very much

To test and assess

In the name of science

Your neck also

Elegant as it is

The doctors insist

And all the experts

So it's not really my fault

They've written me a prescription

With these things inscribed

I keep it close to my heart

Until the day we meet

By: Daniel Smallegange, all rights reserved.

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