Sifting through the ashes
Of all you have sacrificed
The aftermath of
The fiery pyres you build so high
To curry favour above and or
To impress the neighbours you make these so grand?
Out of obligation or desire?
Expectation of a return on investment equal?
What is it you seek?
It is hard to discern
But gods don't listen mostly
In my experience
Neither those above in heaven
Nor below in hell
Your pyres of fires consume
Evidence also
Of all your crimes and deeds
Of all you wish discarded
Voodoo dolls decorate your living space too
They're crammed in all over the place
In every nook and cranny
Do these also fulfill your need?
So many pins in so many
Crude form creations
Enemies too you have to match
But what ever happened to those friends though?
The ones you said you had though?
I never seen 'em
And no dolls nor ashes
Represent them
And no visitors knock at your door
At least when I'm around
Maybe if you made dolls for them as well
But kind well meaning ones
These friends would provide you more attention
These friends you say you possess
But all I see is you alone
Sitting in front of your burning pyres
Tending offerings or removing proofs
At least they warm you in the night
These fires you burn so high
By: Daniel Smallegange, 2024, all rights reserved.