Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tried Out My Crew gift Jacket in a Nice Long Walk in the Toronto, Autumnal Rain


I worked ten months on Frankenstein as props buyer, a feature film directed by Guillermo del Toro, shot primarily in Ontario, Canada. This was my crew gift, which kept out the rain nicely on this rainy, autumnal day in Toronto, September, 2024.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

These Cold Winds Blowing

Winds come blowing

Howling like ghosts through

Interiors of the mind

Sculpting thoughts and feelings into

Hopes and dreams

Plottings and schemes

Born of all directions

Ancestors and genes, babe

Chemicals and blood wrought too

Look it up, it's in books you know

Or don't you know?

You ought to know things like these and others

Suck it all up inside your brainpan man

So you don't bleed so ignorant man

Winds still blowing

A veritable font of cross breezes

Illustrious or otherwise

Carving channels and paths

Sculpting thoughts and/or feelings

Nature as

Versus nurture is nature

Eroding the enshrouded

Through winds which

Howl like ghosts 

Disturbed old memories

Sweeping out

General malaise, fear an' rot

Sweeping out all

These cold winds blowing

By: Daniel Smallegange, copyright 2024, all rights reserved.