Saturday, March 30, 2024

Capitalize on the Time and Space

Capitalize on the time and space

Granted by the un ambition

Of your foes and comrades and enemies


Their lack of initiative against you

May well be and is

Your only chance at salvation

Salivate at the thought of

Escaping the noose and extending some

Breathing room this extenuating situation provides


And read the symbols of the winds

And then think of maybe

How to make amends

For your faults and address the shortcomings

Long lists of such

Your critics have amassed

Capitalize soon for

Your foes and comrades and enemies

May yet retrain their forces

Against you

And tighten the noose once more

By: Daniel Smallegange, all rights reserved 2024.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Pay No Mind

Pay no mind

Pay no mind

Time to sit and just unwind

Time to catch a wayward glance

Time to watch as strangers dance

Throughout the background

Out of the light

Into focus then

Out of sight

But through it all

Pay no mind

Pay no mind

Silent and still

Be not unkind

In thought or deed

Keep your council

Calculate the odds

Pick the best path

Through the fog

Enjoy the view and pass the time

But pay no mind

Pay no mind

And hope the gods react in kind

And hope the fates react

In kind

By: Daniel Smallegange, all rights reserved 2024.