Monday, December 20, 2021

Where Shall We Go Now

Where shall we go now

That we have drunk down all the sightings

In the cold clear night

And bathed in the glare

Of the pure moon light

Who shall we sing too

Now the wolves have all retired

Who shall we seek out

To once again conspire

To fight for truth and beauty and

Begin it all again

To dance in all our glory

And invent new ways to sin

Where shall we run to now

In order to regain

Our hopes and trust and confidence

So much hard earned disdain

And who shall we rely on

Now the weapons are all blunt

Who shall offer solace

Now they've called off the hunt

We've stitched a cloak of sorrow

And sewn our wounds up tight

As our voices crack and break

Our vision losing sight

So let's empty out the wine skins

And down the whisky fast

And pray to all the gods of night

That dawn will come at last

By: Daniel Smallegange

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Today's Agenda

 Today's Agenda:

Pester and annoy cat
Pester and annoy other cat
Think wistfully about going outside
Not going outside
Having a lovely fire
Pestering and annoying cats some more, time permitting.

Friday, December 3, 2021

The City: Tales From the Post-Post Apocalypse Out Now!

 My book 'The City: Tales From the Post-Post Apocalypse' from The Three Little Sisters Publishing is now available in paperback and ebook on all Amazon sites! Check it out and hope you give it a read.

The City : Smallegange, Daniel: Books