Friday, December 23, 2016

Super Dorky Political Holiday Poem

Resists those savage beasts and brats
That play along the edge
Of Left and Right who
Skirt the truth
You cannot trust their pledge
They divide and split and lie and cheat
I hope that you can see
They hurt our hopes of embracing
Our precious liberty

I'll tell you friend
With eyes agog
The truth will set you free
Believe in this and only this
The might of

Resist the lies from either end
Believe in fact and truth
The fringe is not your friend my friend
The edge is perilous
Stray back into the center part
Find light and peace and trust
Join with me in denouncing lies
Be one with all of us

I'll tell you friend
With eyes agog
The truth will set you free
Believe in this and only this
The might of

By Daniel Smallegange